The Geek I/O Network

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Now Playing On The Geek IO Stage: Dale Campbell!

*Loud over-the-top announcer voice*  Ladies, gentlemen (and even Trannies,) please welcome to the Geek IO team, a man who can foresee the future before it happens because he lives  there, a man who has been refereed as the "Tranny Dealer," Intern for Coverville and The Morning Stream on the Frogpants Network and awesome guy.....DALE CAMPBELL!! *Crowd noise*

Okay maybe that was a bit extreme, oh and huge thanks to PA at work for writing that introduction for me. My name is Dale Campbell and yes I am an Aussie (that's not a knife!) For those who don't know me, here is me in a nut -shell... A geek who sorts emails and goes to university (starting this week) by day, and by night, stocks shelves and ensures stock levels are correct! I also now watch movies for Geek IO and run this little page!

I will post my reviews for Rant and Reviews here and when my schedule will allow it, I will be on the show and giving my review there! If you have any suggestions for random movies for me to watch, do not hesitate and send me an email at thechefwonder @ gmail . com (remove spaces)