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Dale Reviews 13 - Bio-Dome

Suggested by: Rachel Boat (For Pauly Shore month)

TITO Rating: 7.5

My interpretation of the plot: Regular Pauly Shore formula but this time in a rain forest.  

Back story/Fun Fact: N/A

Now for the review....Basically, I enjoyed the smugness of this film but huge plot hole was unavoidable in this movie.

Some other notes. PLOT HOLE: So they are in a perfectly controlled eco-system...first of all you don't have laughing gas, air-conditioning running throughout the dome, junk food in a natural environment, and there is a ton more!

But I will say that Safety Dance is best working music ever. This movie wins the "Best Soundtrack" award for anything I have reviewed on this program. 

​If you have any feedback or suggestions, you can email them directly to me at thechefwonder @ gmail . com (remove the spaces) or tweet them to me and huge thanks to CJ and the Geek IO crew for letting me release the trannies each and every week!

Keep calm and tranny on!


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Dale Reviews 13 - Bio-Dome Dale Campbell