(Generic Live Show!) Generic Live Show #16 - Particularly Of The Automobile Verity

Generic Live Show 16 - Particularly Of The Automobile Verity

Tonight, we sit down and re-discuss the future of the automotive industry in Australia because of General Motors International Executive Stefan Jacoby's statement to Australian press at the Detroit Motor Show this last week. Plus we have a collection of information on what we know about Netflix coming to Australia and an assortment of geeky headlines! 


General Motors international boss Stefan Jacoby says Australia is better without car manufacturing - http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/holden-shutdown-general-motors-international-boss-stefan-jacoby-says-australia-is-better-without-car-manufacturing/story-fnjwucvh-1227183680228

Netflix: What we know - http://www.cnet.com/au/news/netflix-australia-what-we-know/